Wednesday, February 18, 2015

My Mission for Blogging

I ran across this quote on Kidblog’s website as I was setting up my students on kidblog and it truly resonates my goal and mission in creating a personal blog.
“If you were presented with a template from a person of authority, in the same manner every day, each year, then one day asked how you’d like to express yourself, without a template, in all likelihood you’d chose to do it the same way you always have, and have always been told. Now add to that an element of assessment- how well will you do with your own choices? It’s no wonder students balk at first when told to choose whatever form of writing or topic they’d like. We all like what’s comfortable, we like what’s expected, and we like to know the results of our actions. As a student, if I know my teacher likes narratives, then I will choose a narrative in order to increase my chances of being successful with him or her.” –

Too often we give our students exact directions, expectations, and sample products to help them begin a project. What is the problem with that? Creativity is lost! Where do we allow room for our students to create, collaborate and think critically if we always give them direct guidelines? My goal with this blog is present different ideas, apps, websites and so forth of how to allow our kids to do just that. Create, collaborate, communicate, think critically and connect with the outside world. 

I am nervous, yet excited to join the blogging world and look forward to connecting with other passionate teachers

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