Monday, February 23, 2015

Socrative- Summative Assessment

I feel very fortunate that we are a 1:1 4th grade classroom where each of my students have an iPad mini. With that said, I am always looking for innovative and engaging ways to use the iPad in the classroom. However, sometimes I create these amazing lessons in my head only to then write on paper and realize it will take me a week or two to accomplish this task. (A week or two extra, might I add, that I don’t have.) Enter Socrative! Socrative is an app (or a website, for that matter) that visualizes student understanding as a response system. But, it is so much more than that! The website/app allows teachers to set-up their own account and it will provide a classroom number. As the teacher, you can either release a pre-written assessment OR (my favorite aspect to Socrative) you can use the “quick question” feature to ask an intro question (think the K in KWL), a mid-lesson question to see if students are understanding the concepts, or use as an exit slip.

When I was first introduced to Socrative, I liked it but I didn’t love it. Once I realized there was the “quick question” my love for this site grew much deeper. With the quick question feature you do not have to create anything before class. I find myself many days not even intending to use Socrative and then mid-class decide to pull out the iPads and review concepts. Socrative is such an easy, summative assessment tool and after using it once, I had my kids coming in day in and day out saying, “Are we using Socrative today?!” Any time I find something that excites them that much, I know it must be a great tool!

To use:
1. Either download Socrative Teacher App or go to and create a teacher log-in. Socrative will then give you a classroom number.
2. Either create a pre-made quiz (can be multiple choice, short answer, true false…) or select quick question which is where you would say the question verbally. At this point you can decide whether you want the students to provide their names or not as well.
3. Students can either go to or download the Socrative Student App.
4. Students select “Student Log-in” and type in room number. The pre-made assessment or quick question will appear.

If you choose to make a pre-made test, you can even print, email or download your results.

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