If you still use power points in your classroom to teach, Pear Deck will be a life saver! Have you ever noticed while you are teaching with the power point that students begin to daze off, zone in and out, and sometimes don't seem very engaged in your lesson? Pear Deck is not only integrated with google, but it "puts inquiry at the center of your lesson and create[s] self-motivated learners," according to Peardeck.com. All you have to do to use Pear Deck is create an account and upload your already created power point. You will then give the students the log in code to join your class and you control the speed of the presentation.
Once your students are logged in using your unique class code, you can stop anytime during your presentation to ask quick questions or give polls.
After the presentation, Pear Deck offers an opportunity for you to save your presentation to complete the next day or review.